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Monday, February 28, 2005
No mood to blog
Because of this fucking pomelo! lol.. okay i am just being paranoid.
pls dont be deceived by its epic breast-like structure! If looks could kill... First i cut it open... And i was devouring happily while watching some lame tv... Then what happened was i squeezed the inner pomelo too hard and it explodeD!!! fuck la.. it really exploded lo... sprayed my whole face with POMELO JUICE! like whatever.. plus i just bathe alright! fuckin thing! lol... now my shirt is sticky and my face is wet... eew... so much juice.. must find which fuckin bird came to help that pomelo pollinate until so juicy -PUI!-
And this morning, as usual eyes could not open totally, halfway only.. but it was really funny.. Shared a cab with Charmaine and this passer-by... so we reached the sch and we are like supposed to pay like $3.30.. so i offered $5.30 and the passer by gave me back 2 dollars change. Then he suddenly said we paid too much... then i say okay.. And i took back the 5 dollars and said is 2 dollars enough? he said alright.. and so i gave him that 2 dollars he gave me earlier unknowingly and we bid goodbye.. Then i asked Charmaine how much i owe her.. And realised we did not pay anything!? lol we just recollected that the $2 we gave was his! pengZzz..
Anywayz watch Team America Today.. was fuckin lame..couldnt stand it! lol.. and so crude la.. extreme puppet sex and puppet violence.. not for gals la that show.. lol.. Well congrats for my POMELO DAY..whee!
|| Benji LuStEd aT 9:45 PM ||
Sunday, February 27, 2005
LOl! that was yesterday nite... I dimmed the lights and enjoyed a horror movie ..cos i crave for them for very long le okay..got lots of unexpected scares but not scary enough leh.. was expecting more blood and gore... was hugging my bolster all the time while i eat the ice cream... hehe.. i want more ice cream! but well wait... i need to compensate the fats it generates by alot more workouts.. who cares?! haha fuck it la... i love myself..and i wanna pamper myself! didnt noe watchin horror movies by myself can be so much fun.. but was really tired too.. before that watched Ray...wif Zy, cher, yang, Xia.. it is actually quite nice..but i just dont like such genre of movies...prefer more action, gore, bloody, humour...was waiting for Paris Hilton and Elisha Curtbeth's HOUSE OF WAX... The RING 2... any horror movie goers? book me! haha... Was yearning for Spongebob Squarepants! i want the boxer! but mel got le.. They are damn damn cute la... lol... i mean i dislike cartoons.. but i just find them so so adorable... lol.. arent they simply so so funny to look at... Anywayz... next week Chinese results coming out le.. hope i could get at least a B? -prays- O gosh... i just remembered i got lots of homework in line... o god... back to mundane life again! but u noe what.. i will still smile my way through... CiaoX
|| Benji LuStEd aT 5:27 PM ||
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Cher... i think i really pmsing these few days... maybe cos the weather la... and u know what? i actually kept quiet at some time of the day..so weird..i mean my mouth is non-stop action one what? -Dionkx-
Today's lesson was fast... maths was a little worrying..cos i have no idea how to do the second part of possion Distribution... hmm shall figure it out soon... GP was very stress as usual but had gotten over it -sweats-
I am currently under the [ Revitalise-And-Stay-Heathy-Regime ] ...
What the hell?
yeah thats basically a committment for myself to have a balance diet to ensure i have ample vitamins..hehe.. so i have to cut down on meat stuffs..and stay put wif Veggies and at least 2 fruits per day....understand Benji? -pinch ears hard-
I simply love my mum MUACKZ... although i am dubious if she loves this eldest son of hers the most..haha.. well my family dont seem to like me as much as before.. but never mind... i will still survive... Mum is such a sweety... she has been preparing breakfast for me these few days...haha..so long never get cared so much by someone... touched? definitely...
How i wish i have a wife like that.. haha..can pack for me lunch box..so cute rite? then i also pack for her.. then we exchange lunch box.. so fun... Okay i sounded as if i live in UTOPIA... today i promised myself to be good..no vulgarities..so yeah =x
Hmm...i realised i am just a typical boy after all.. want to be cared... but show no emotions when someone really cared..but deep in my heart..i am thankful... pengZzz.. how can this be? A boy no matter how bitchy will still have a boy's heart eh? Got this gal actually say i am very boy boy...hmm.. i ponder hard.. i can already see daggers from Cher and Xia whizzing from all directions... cos i where got boy?!! haha... hmm in short it means childish la.. pengZzz..
Chey... did i intepret correctly? lol... K la shall do my work now... -waves-
|| Benji LuStEd aT 8:12 PM ||
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
-drums roll-
-breathes in deeply-
I have volunteered out of sailing team with effect from today.... -sobx- I have talked to my teacher in charge and realised that although she is boring but she is nice person.... Well she was actually waiting for me to talk to her... cos ever since that sea incident, my mum has been not really wanting me to go out sail in the sea.. Haiz.. so now i am just a member of Sea Sports.. The worse thing is she said i PON many times for the last two weeks... O gosh... she really got me wrong.. -open mouth wide-
Delibrately, i did pon once for the last two weeks.. The other practises are all because i really got appointment... remember my counselling sessions? er hospital visits.. and bla bla.. it was really coincidental... Then she accepted my explanation and all and well was not angry at all.... phew... just that she wasnt informed bout my absence..
Anywayz... me out of the sailing team does not make much difference... but well i do hope that my fellow sailing mates will make it at least to the top 15 for the Regatta... One thing for sure... the memories of sailing is definitely a really memorable one.... I enjoyed the days when we were so shack after sailing and yet we spray each other wif water so fun.. plus the seaweed mating seasons..where our sailboat is totally infested wif seaweeds haha.... those were the days..... but i will still not forget the skills i learn from sailing.... Sailing is always my passion! ya....
Sailing philosophy: Use ZHAM de!
Yeah man! all the best to my fellow team mates who were always so adorable and humorous.. hehe..
So now i in the midst of CCA-crisis.. cos its like i cannot join any sports CCA at this funny time..cos most are having sports competition soon.. hmm... -ponders-
This week hadnt been good on me... got scolded by fuckin Mary in the morning... whatever.. and met the maximum bitch teacher in TPJC.. She is so gonna get it.. definitely an official member of wxw.slutforce.gov.sg.. well i couldnt really recollect her face... all i know was a cheapo rebonded hair.. and a face that is her vagina... o and when she bitched at Zi Yang.... whoa u should see how her mouth travels in all dimensions.. whoa.. 3D modelling pls...
As vagina as it sounds.. her mouth is just good enough to be fistEd!! eew.. totally grossed out... -shrieks- As usual such a lady er.. is she even one? er such a bitch usually name herself Ms xx..
Bcos she has to bitch around to show that she is able to get ample attention since she is incapable of getting any guys to love her (cos she is ugly + unattractive character).. come on... even i respect Xu Chun Mei....and definitely she will be unmarried.. and even if she is married.. its either she is the 10th wife or she is basically rich.. and the guy will just fuck and go... But so what? she is happy this way rite? Fuckin Bitch! She is those gals that boast that she got a boyfren bla bla or is attached but then in fact, the guy would rather buy a vibrator pls... Rebut me if i am wrong..i will apologise... she is 'hot' anywayz.. rite?
Never mind la ZY.. we all know her fate..poor thing...
Today watched Hide and Seek.. almost slept at some parts.. only a few scares.. the plot is lame but the movie aint that unwatchable la.. but definitely for $6.50 movies.... I wanna breakdown rite now... my econs is self destructing... haiz.... but i must still tell myself..i cAN AND MUST DO IT! -hug myself passionately-
|| Benji LuStEd aT 9:05 PM ||
Monday, February 21, 2005
Why are ppl so concern bout ur sexual orientation or who u like or whatever?!
Can those of u who give me that " O.. u so gay " look all just fuck off and Teh ur own tits or lan pa... b4 u undergo extreme vasectomy! -holds saw- Want to see whose mouth is more nuclear-dified.. u r in for a treat!
Okay i aint irate.. i am just irritated that ppl have been askin or rather bitching around behind my back whether i am gay or what... I mean.. Why not just ask me in person! i hate ppl who do such fuckin stuffs.... [ Pua Lan Jiao ]...
This is targeted not at my frens at all..but to those who dont even noe me and yet trying to act like they know me well enough...
Now i am sorry for the vulgarities and all.. i dont really that vulgar... ahem...but well my point is that those peeps should kindly pls just approach me and ask in a more civilize way... dont be a big fuck by pokin every cheebye around asking bout me...Back to the point... Let me clear this once and for all....
Do i like gals? Yes~!
Do i like guys? YEs~!
Do i like trans? NO! but i respect their lives...
Am i gay? Nope
Am i bisexual? YEs i am totally
Am i straight? Definitely NOT!
Am i a virgin? Yes i am.. i have not FUCK or BE FUCKED!
Am i horny? Nope! i am just not innocent...
Happy!? Gosh..... U may think i am easily paranoid by all this nonsense..but i am not! i am just irritated to some extent... Basically i dont really noe who i like and so prefer to remain unidentified... U cannot imagine how pissed u felt when u can feel this aura.. u can see from their J-u-D-g-E-m-E-n-T-a-L look.... That O-so-u-r-that-weirdo look.... yes i talked like a bitch but u fuckers are the one who pressed my bitch mode...
Can u like ask something like do u think Benji is a nice person? Well u can say NO! but i dont care.. at least its constructive.. not detrimental.. haha
I am not afraid to tell u who i am... Its a matter of how will u accept me? If u dont accept me.. i dont give a fuck anywayz.. at least i still have my frens who respect who i am... And mind u.. i totally respect all my frens life... ARgg... I can be real nice person if u permit me to... mark my words for that... Okay i may not be a great person to many but i sure can be a good boy... lol...
I am not afraid to fuck those Cocoa Butter Bitches out cause no one will fall for me anywayz..i am such a GRAVITY DEFYING THING...haha [lame!]
As a matter of fact.. i can only be everyone's good or best frens..definitely not lover.. logically speaking..who can actually accept such a male bitch like me...i am just so so.. Fuck la there is not even a word to describe me lol... they feel insecure to the max.... but well.. i shall get out from the entire love scene for the moment..haha...
WEll had a great training today... tomorrow's pe and wed's pe.. so yeah..enjoy... haha...
|| Benji LuStEd aT 8:41 PM ||
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Their characters are so strong that u are really blown away when all of them are put together.... i must say i love all the conversations they have.. its witty and clever wif alot of sexual humour... especially like the part when the jealous husband looked at Natalie portman and rebuked" did u cum when he had sex wif u?" and she snapped "yes i came and he came too..just that his cum is sweeter.than yours." I also liked the Julia robert's conversation wif Jude Law... Jude Law was like "can i see u again? " She just replied. "never" He was like "U kissed me!" She immediately snapped "what are u.. 12?" damn cleverly scripted.. There is this scene which is the most popular scene i think.. which is the conversation at a sex chat room where Jude law change his own name to anna and had cybersex wif Clive Owen. it is damn sexual and funny... wif lots of sexual terms used... discussion of fantasies bla bla.. damn funny..i almost died in the cinema.. but well innocent ppl wont get the jokes though.. set aside will be the more serious tone... which is " Where is the Trust in relationships ?" Well..this movie is not for couples actually..cos it lets u doubt the truthfulness of ur relationships.. As i look around the cinema.. i cant help but tell Xia that u can see all the guys are trying their best to reassure their galfrens by hugging and tryig to strike a conversation to distract their gal fren's from thinkin too much... TRY HARDER LA eh... ITS TOO LATE Haiz.. whats the use... Just accept it la.. if u cannot accept that ur bf or gf had sex b4, i suggest u dont get into a relationship at all.. i mean even if u r in a relationship.. u rather dont want to noe eh? Near the ending.. the characters become so out of hand.. that they basically lost all the trust they had and almost destroyed everything... shant say the ending... This movie is very intriguing and real... that u start to tell urself if true love exist.. dont think the characters wont happen in real life... trust me they will.. its just that u have not met the situation yet or u are still kept in the dark or that u r simply living in denial.... There are several issues pounted out that are so interesting such as : Guys can have sex and expect their galfrens to forgive them, but when gals have sex, guys cannot accept that and will get extremely jealous. True? well ponder a little and u tell me.. haha.. to me its mostly true.. Okay finished movie review of the week haha.. yesterday went out to watch movie and accompany cher buy some stuffs... then left Xia, me, yang watchin some taiwan variety show at Cine Food court..peng.. as i eat my fruits.. i love fruits... After a while went to meet Aurelia haha.. she was so hyper i almost fainted.. Went to Clarke Quay... dined at TCC.. the food there not bad leh.. after which went to this pub.. as we talked and began tired.. haha.. donno y also..sat and chat until 2 something like that ba..then took nite rider... so long la.. peng.. i almost fell asleep.. she was sitting beside me and she was like amazed that i can sleep halfway and still change the songs from my ipod haha. .She ah.. think sweat alot lo.. lie on my shoulders until tham tham de..haha peng... i recently found out i love to eat fruits leh... yummy.... shall do my hw now...
|| Benji LuStEd aT 3:28 PM ||
Oh no... what time is it now? 4 AM? o gosh 4 fuckin am... i took like an hour to reach home... how nice... wanna fall asleep liao lo.. shall update tomorrow then.. now super buay tahan.. I am such a big fuck.. buay tahan still bother to write and read blogs... siao wan leh.. haha anywayz niteZ//
|| Benji LuStEd aT 4:02 AM ||
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Just before i start to do my never ending homework.. I have thought through and well i thought that i should just leave my blog as it is la ah.. cos i have been thinkin whether to put password or something so that its exclusive.. so that i am able to really write down alot of stuffs... but well.. to me now is that.. if ppl really wanna noe the more juicy bits bout me.. i dont mind writing in my blog to some extent..well.. i have cautioned before.. somethings in this blog are exclusively explicit haha...
I mean who dont like to have a little bitch fest or hear a little bit more gossips..ritE? well.. i donno how many ppl actually do read my blog but what i noe is that... i got some ardent fans of my blog la ah! haha rite? ppl hu dont really noe me will be so disgusted by what i write..but well no one ask u to come to my blog anywayz... If u cannot stand me.. well fuck off.. u get fucked by other ppl in the end too..so i have no prob wif that... -Evil grinz-
Okay sorry for the crude remark... feelin really pissed now.. thinkin of what i am supposed to do later... eeks...
Aye.. just realised i have to control my spending now! haha.. i have this major flaw and that is i spend really alot! haiz.. i need someone to slap me whenever i over spend.. COme on baby show me ur aggressiveness lol.. sounds so SM.. but i love it what to do....
Haiz...recently i have lost my socialibilty skills... SS skills... its been like negative becos i am afraid i may like someone... and fall into yet another trap..esp that person..haha.. Fen mei mei u noe who i am tokin rite? gosh la.. i rather not see that person at all... Melts... I am like in a fuckin been-there-done-it-existential-crisis... sounds chimalogy? it simply means jaded..haha
today in sch i was like doing my homework for GP .. and to my utter horror.. this J1 gal was nearby and started to scream wif that irritating, peircing and provoking WHINING VOICE!.. it was a calamity! a disaster.. it was like this sudden voice cracks every fuckin cell in my body.. That mouth of hers was a Weapon Of Mass Destruction.. As if Anthrax and Nuclear weapons is not enought....Eew.. can u imagine what my expression was? it was like a crumpled potato..i was at the verge of sucide by hitting my ipod repetitively on my forehead.... can someone pls stuff a 'DILDO' into her fuckin COLOSSAL mouth... -holding a very long dildo-
i was listening to Sarah brightman and she can actually outbalance her voice.. -clapz wif total disgust- 3 more such gals and i tell u i officially turn from Bi to Gay.. thats a promise...eew...
Yikes............. Fuckin hate whiny gals................
|| Benji LuStEd aT 6:34 PM ||
I feel exceptionally fatigued...
When will this exhaustion ever dissipate?... i am wondering... Fuckin Sch life... o today did rain for like the first time in centuries! Its a miracle! Ha lei lu ya... -sarcastically-
Yesterday i did not even noe if i have dried my hair.. all i noe was.. i rushed into the toilet..wash up and pom onto the bed and died.. haha.. Sailing was fun yesterday but well there are still some thing within me that i still cannot overcome just yet.. The fear of water haha.. not exactly la.. but will rebuild my confidence soon... after what has happened to me...
Life becomes so mundane.. it is not a drama anymore.. sobX.. where are all the interesting happenings that always happen in my life? i want to be caught up in predicaments haha.. i want to be bitched by ppl.. i wanna be screamin, shouting or just do crazy stuffs.. i wanna see the sch relife again.. wif plastic gals.. snobbish gals... the-think-they-are-so-cool gals.. the supposedly kewl boys haha.. so fun..
Life becomes just a book..not even a story line involved..just pieces of information piled into one big fuckin fucked shit situation... Anywayz let me embrace the weekend wif my warm warm soul haha... this sat gonna be catchin CLOSER sneak preview... so lookin forward...
K shall blog some other time.. which is like everyday haha.. cos my bro's sick so gotta take care of him now...Laters...
|| Benji LuStEd aT 5:55 PM ||
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Arggg .. I fuCkin HAte the scorching Weather this few dayS!!! So irritated by the weather pls... Its a whoopin 35.5 degrees.. like come on.. it can already cook half of my red blood cells... Today had 2.4km run wif timing..like so what the fuck!! Dont have a fuckin mood to run.. but did manage to clock at around 11 mins something...
i bloody feelin so -come near me and i fuck u hard- attitude... cos i am still contemplating bout alot of stuffs..So DONT PESTER ME! i have no fuckin mood... And as usual Mary Lim's lesson is C grade HORROR MOVIE.. sometimes DOcumentary.... She is a Gothic element HERSELF... Chinese was damn slack...
Then after sch..hurry rushed home to sleep.. not feelin well... Then i bought SUnflowers to visit Staceymon.. at CHANGI HOSPITAl.. haiyo how come fever until like that neh.. bought her flowers as belated V Day and get well gift la eh... Hope she like it though... I like to see the happenings in hospital .. dont ya think its so fun to watch? its like.. the nurses will be giving that angelic smile..the patients lookin pale.. Then got screaming patients.. who really seems to be in acute agony.. Haiz.. Then we were like tokin bout pregnancy... i think its kinda poor thing hor for gals to like give birth..o god.. i dont wanna visualise...haha
Haiyo today shld have gone and see the little kids holding that big big milk bottle askin for donations..arent they just sSOO CUTE!~ haha.. its like so angelic la... i love kids... they make me happy.. hehe... at least they are real... and innocent..which i have lost it since like donno when haha..
I shall now go back to my endless pondering... i just CANT STOP THINKIN!!! can someone pls pls just once..slap me tightly on my face! i need to wake up! There's so much i wanna tell u guys..but this aint a private blog.. so yeah... haha..i shld set up a private one soon...haiz...
|| Benji LuStEd aT 10:57 PM ||
Monday, February 14, 2005
Okay.. its Valentine's Finally...
HaPpY VaLeNtiNE's DaY!
AS i have mentioned earlier.. yes i fuckin have no mood for Valentine's but i did prepare some pressies for my Valentine haha JAs, My angel Weilyn and my dearest Di... Jas practically cried i think...cos she did not expect that i would actually give her ICe Cream Cake... but the heart shape melted to like circle ?! wTF.. Then gave her this cute test tube condom..wif words like "EMERGENCY BREAK GLASS" kewl rite.. and also a flavoured Lubricant..haha..just for laughs.. can use it too la..
WEilyn gave her chocolates..and my dearest Zach di..i gave him er hand made rose and chocolates.. hehe..happy! O for my part i also received alot of pressies! thanks to everyone who gave me pressies.. felt quite bad never buy anything for others..but well this year..i really no mood to celebrate ma...
So ya.. headed to orchard..u see ppl holding hands, touchin here and there like they can dig diamond out of the person's body like that..-close eyes hard- haha.. my eyes sore liao lo...everything seems so sweet to me but i just so wanna just barge in between those couples and throw big big big BAH ZHANG at their -Aww I aM so In Love- fuckin face.. fine la.. I NOE U ALL ARE HAPPY! don need to show until ma jiam i must TEH ur fuckin tits and dicks to ask u all to shut up... haha..Okay i am fuckin jealous..but yeah..so watched..Seoul Raiders..laugh like fuck... it was lame but not bad la....quite cheesy though...
O pls lo.. PRACTISE SAFE SEX HOR ppl.. pls dont anyhow too gan jiong then pom here pom there... And those wif cars dont think i donno lo.. drive to somewhere then can see whole stretch of cars but no one can be seen at the beach..but look closely can see the cars can actually vibrate wor..haha PING PING PONG PONG... i noe its thrilling to do it in car...but do it safely k..
So now i am staring at my com contemplating...
Becos becos.... Haiz
I finally braced myself to read someone's blog.. and yes... i dont feel good..but seeing that u r doing real fine and that u seem to enjoy ur life rite now.. i shall say i am glad u r happy... I dont wanna noe more..i take it that i dont noe anything.. Maybe cos that time we have become too close and thats the time we should part.. well i used to be optimistic and naive.. but now i have grown.. and yes.. i do feel a little displeased rite now..but well.. thats Valentine's for me..at least i noe i am happy today cos i have had a great time celebrating wif my frens.. hehe.. Nitez.. shall sleep now..
|| Benji LuStEd aT 10:49 PM ||
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Gazing at my beloved shades i bought from KL.. my heart dropped..and i can only stare at it wif total disappointment... Because.. not only it has broke thanks to my bro few weeks ago.. Now the other side has officially dropped off.. -Sobx- Kns la... Pui!
Today not much programme lo.. ITs like meet Xia go watch A Very Long Engagement.. i love that movie.. very detailed and intriguing.. And the funniest thing was.. this show was supposedly like M18.. then Cathay put wrongly.. put PG... so basically all the Xiao mei mei and di dis can like watch.. Lucky not alot.. cos many peeps thought it was M18... so yeah heng.. otherwise all the NGi Ngi NGaw Ngaw.. cannot stand it de lo... but the show is not censored either..so yeah lucky..
Then met up wif Cher and Yang at NYDC.. Went to Mango cos Cher need to buy some stuffs.. Was thinkin alot what to buy for Valentine's.. i officially declare that i am SO NOT GONNA SPEND ALOT FOR THIS VALENTINE... cos i dont have MOOD. FUll STOP..haha.. but i promised to buy for some so ya.. bought for my "AngEL" ..cos my class playin this mortal angel game...And also giving my one and only beloved di.. Shh.. And tomorrow buyin my supposed valentine's prezzie haha.. Yee pee..
I love white and black roses pls.. why everyone seems to be like buyin roses for each other..chey... Monday i shall give myself chocolates.. and say someone give de..haha Jian rite.. haiyo dont have date is like that one ma... Then there must be a handmade card..stating.. FROM UR LOVER or FROM ANONYMOUS.. then my frens will be jealous cos i so early got pressie le ma.. then they will start tokin behind my back.. but so? i have it all! haha.. bitchy me.. Okay i am just rubbishin... Then i must make sure that i tell them i am gonna meet that person for dinner.. at some Famous restaurant.. say how lucky i was.. its gonna be romantic bla bla.. leaving my frens AWW.. haha..
Why am i so crap today? fuck it la.. Okay i am fuckin jealous of ppl getting all the sweet stuffs..u muack me i muack u.. i shall muack my self.. its call Mastur-kissing.. okay sorry this blog is rated PG..so yeah..
And just now omg la.. there is this gay group of frens we always saw at PS.. were like interrogating wif the police.. outside the Arcade..maybe cos apparently some straight ppl may be criticising them or something la..then they angry or what.. then this bung also came to help i think.. Never really see whats happening.. but hope its settled.. And my ipod have to undergo Mass RESTORE! =sobx= There goes all my songs... arg!
But well.. Monday i am gonna act like nothin's gonna happen.. and i want lots of HUGGIES okay?! haha... I am really mad...
|| Benji LuStEd aT 1:07 AM ||
Thursday, February 10, 2005
O poor Benji has to like go back to the fuckin routine of school again.. FUck that sch la.. kns... ITs a Shit Mother Fucker Fuck Shit School i tell u... Argg //totally pissed + diaoz + thump//
O so i won like 16 bucks on poker today.. a quickie game... haha.. er.. i think i shouldnt use the word quickie..i mean short alrite.. cos have to like meet Cher later at PS to watch movie.. O so the shops hate me pls.. so many never open.. only like what? Hang Ten.. like whoa i am so in to shoppin like that.. So went to watch Constantine.. I guy show again... but i like.. and since Cher also likes guys show.. so yeah.. It was totally Kewl alrite.. the effects and all.. but the story line was awefully bullshit!.. haha
After which wanted to head towards Esplanade to go Harry's Bar.. but the crowd was small so... walked to boat quay instead.hopin to have some fun... Argg most of the bar and pubs were like not many ppl..So walked passed HOOTERs.. its not open.. haiz... No sexy gals to see.. so ended up at Bungee Bar.. haha.. drank a lil wif Cher.. And we were like totally mesmerized by the Vocalist who sang so many songs that are like.. Whoa! I was like sing one more fuckin time i be like marryin him la! but Cher said he was hers.. so ya.. give her lo.. PEngZzz..
Pretty tired rite now.. shag like fuck.... so gonna turn in le..Nitez
|| Benji LuStEd aT 11:47 PM ||
Oopsy.. i totally forget bout my blog haha.. too engrossed and addicted to my Mahjong Sessions.. gosh... I was trying my best to stare intently at the tiles while i try to get that fuckin suit out.. And wa la.. Today i won quite alot intially wif a marvelous K.O to my aunt who tried to win me everytime... hmm donno how to describe the thrills of playin mahjong to everyone.. Cos u all wont be able to noe what i am talkin.. so yeah go figure... its fuckin fun pls.. I AM SO DELIGHTED.. -FOCUS FOCUS!-
U should look how bitchy i was while playin.. I was like PONG! dont TOUCH LA! KNS.. my grandma was the other bitch.. haha.. when i start to laugh a lil.. she be like.. can u hurry up and stop laughin.. Wif that really hilarious expression.. haha... She is so cute! and She hates my grandpa like fuck.. Haiz.. Why leh? mum was like.. why not ask gong gong to join us for dinner.. She immediately and vehemently screamed a big "NO!" like wtf.. poor guy.. but well grandma has her reasons.. Last time grandpa treated her badly ma.. Now shes UNDER POWER! hohoho! haha She should just join WWE lo..
O sorry forget to wish all of ya HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! U see... now is like break time b4 the next "mahjong chionging" session starts.. U should see my aunt trying to challenge wif my bro to see how fast they can stack up the mahjong tiles.. Like WTF lo.. increasing mahjong productivity to set guiness world record ah.. haha..
And my fuckin bro has no GAMBLING SPIRIT lo.. i tell u.. so bitchy... when he wins.. he say he dont wanna play anymore.. then when lose..he insist us to continue playing.. Whey u think what.. everytime winning end ah! KNN.. oops i should be not vulgar... I must not be vulgar.. wif that
Okay back to mahjong... and i love the Bailey mocha my aunt bought.. which really drunk me but really nice! hehe.. o and also my cousin from SAC so long never see her le..wha she becomin so gorgeous lo! -woot- haha.. if she see this she gonna kick my ass.. well really ma... Pengz.. ciaoZ
|| Benji LuStEd aT 1:58 AM ||
Sunday, February 06, 2005
If a woman comes to me and say "Hello Stranger", it be a fuckin turn on la.. haha.... Okay i am mad... but well u see Mr Blog, I need to feel loved recently.. Donno y.. I need someone to reorganise my life.. care for me and provide wif me even the slightest tinge of security.. Cos i am fuckin insecure right now and i hate it...
I need a GF! haha
Be it that i am desperate or what.. I just need someone to at least tell me u really care for me? thats not alot ba... I noe my past has been really dramatic and depressing but i am trying to improve too.. There are several reasons y girls wont like me u see
1) i am too bitchy
2) i am too feminine
3) i give an impression that i fuck around
4) i have a complicating past and alot cannot accept it..
5) i have short attention span
6) i can be insensitive sometimes towards people
7) I am bisexual therefore equals promiscuous
8) i am horny bastard
9) i am more like their jie meis
and the list goes on... and by that time.. i owe ppl chances of getting girl fren lo...
I am like Toto right now.. chances becomes 1 / 8 million ...But but.. u realised i am aware what ppl are thinkin bout me.. but u must also take account that i did improve alot okay...
Got this girl actually got the cheek to ask me the size of my dicky..She wanna die ah.. Poor Little Benji, u r not seen in public yet u r already being judged.. -Jumps off the building- So i protected u by ignoring her.. haha.. i am devastated..If was a fuckin HIT AND RUN! even horny gals despise Little Benji.. how the fuckin hell they will noe! Asian equals small dicky meh? I got meet national standards okay.. haha kns.. plus too big later hit u like baseball bat how? dangerous k...
Mr Blog, I am not promiscuous k... I wont ever fuck around pls even though ya la i am horny sometimes.. at most fool around but chances tends to zero lo.. but thats not the point... Yes i am bitchy.. but that is just me ma.. and i try not to bitch alot recently liao lo if ppl realised..Plus ppl say i am sissy.. u should have seen Secondary 1.. its a fuckin transexual knockout....
I also have good points ma..
1) i dont get angry easily
2) i always compromise
3) i can give lots of freedom
4) i can tolerate alot of things
5) i am open minded..
6) i can try lots of new things..
7) I am enthu
8) i can be real humorous
O no Mr blog pls help me... Girls associate me more like their Kaki! and full stop.. Haiz.. What a Knockout... -Kill me wif parang NOW!-
Guys arent better too.. Well, having a bf aint that bad.. at least guys can shower u wif lots of sweet stuffs although most of the time u noe its fake but u simply love the attention..cos their ultimate motive for majority is still touchin, kissing or whatever more.... But nowadays u wont noe who they fuck or who they had a quickie.. so comes in the insecurities..
Having a gf on the other hand can be really caring, understanding but u have not seen the other side when u become "domestified".. The cracks a.k.a depression, whines, constant breakdowns, cryings.. Like how many times can u actually meet independent women wif aggressive character yet sometimes lady-like?
But then again.. both have flaws..but why everytime i still fall in love? kns.. haiz...
U noe something Mr Blog? If a gal tell me not to be so bitchy or whatever.. I will definitely try my best to change for the better... I seriously would.. except i cannot change anything physical...
maybe i should just find someone to hug-and-go.. its like i comfort u, u comfort me and thats it haha.. Haiyo Mr Blog.. sorry to yak so many rubbish to u.. i mean u r still single too rite? Can u give me a kiss or a hug? much appreciated..
Pls fax ur hug and kisses to my add thru DHL.. Zip seal and deliver.. thank u...
Yours SIncerely,
|| Benji LuStEd aT 7:41 PM ||
EEw.. I am so gonna digress while doing fuckin "HAil's MAry's" econs case study... She is the most bias teacher i ever see wif my own real eyes.. haha.. couldnt stand her.. her mind procession is so slow, that i can sleep right in front of her while she contemplates... And her Peer Tutoring thingy whereby we have to discuss econs topics within a grp is simply a pointless approach and sending me straight to hell.. C'mon.. if we need to discuss everytime... y would we even need u as a teacher to guide us?! I dont wanna complain much bout u but well i can see u r a nice lady, nice mom... so pls.. just resign and be a housewife or something.. Dont ruin my economics.. cos i used to like it but not now! -nod heads-
Okay enough of whines for sch.. cos i dont like to tok bout sch anyway.. it suddenly came to my mind bout www.xiaxue.blogspot.com. Her new entry is really funny pls.. She is my idol can... So bitch la... plus check out her complains bout army talk.. simply entertaining.. She is crude, rude, provocative but well dont take it too hard.. its just a blog for u to get entertained.. haha..
I tell u there is this Chinese cartoon growing in popularity that i am simply disgusted by its contents.. haha.. its a horror to realise my brother pointing at that meaningless tv screen whille exclaiming wif laughter " haha.. his head got neh neh!"
The word "neh neh" made me curious what the hell my mum is watchin wif little Joe.. To my utter horror.. A very graphic cartoon depicts this little boy trying to subdue something but end up growing breasts on his head! The breasts were like so real and the nipples are graphically enlarged..o god... I was like "mum, are u sure thats suitable for Joe?"
She was like " funny ma.. Neh neh!" gosh... -shocked-
I HATE NEH NEHS.. haha.. i am speechless... i just have to accept it that.. sex elements are gonna be implanted in our daily lives in this century at any age..
I was sitting on the car watchin the disgusting cartoon that is much of a HENTAI pls.. wif the whole family gosh.. I just had to ponder other things... I mean i am not innocent either but well today i felt innocent ma...
|| Benji LuStEd aT 7:19 PM ||
Quick updates..cos i am really so so tired rite now...
WEnt shopping today at Bugis wif Cher... bought a real nice jeans for myself but also cheap..so i am really elated... Then headed to town... As usual walk and bitch aimlessly.. Then Cher went Retro.. bought her stuffs majiam go back 70s like that.. but nice nice... went over to Marche... Gawd.. lookin at the savoury boneless Chicken leg can really make me drool.. plus the calamari was like excellent.. Then went to watch The Machinist... Suspense movie.. not bad.. but we just couldnt really comprehend the plot.. and some ah moh ask us to keep quiet.. Er.. like whatever..
Went to NYDC.. had the worse baked rice of my life.. Sucks.. Took neoprints like fUck.. quite ugly the design but heck... headed to Rouge..wanted to go in.. but realised we dont have much cash.. next time ba.. Headed home..saw tall Huifen and gang.. chatted a little.. went home..
OOpps.. I spent alot today.. But well.. I am Happy! haha nite... -yawnz- finished updating within 5 mins... like 100 metre race like that.. Take my breath away.. haha
|| Benji LuStEd aT 1:04 AM ||
Friday, February 04, 2005
It all started wif the purpose of doing projects and playin games in my com...
That was then...
NoW... the purpose has changed...
It has changed into a PORN PORTAL!!! -Clapx-
y? let me explain... i got home today and was walkin towards my room and saw my second bro Samuel lookin i-N-t-E-n-T-l-Y at the com... well i thought should not disturb him since he is busy.. so i slowly went into my room... U can immediately sense the instant transformation of facial expression from him... His face went white.. he jumped..
HA! something is amiss.. so as a good bro as i am.. i scurried over and to my utter horror, it was Britney spears wif her fake tits.. haha.. okay my first expression was not -Open mouth agape-.. it was more like "Huh.. Britney where got so big?" if he choose some gal like Kelly Brook maybe i wont even scold him haha.. i may even join in.. -Whacks my head- Jk..
I acted irate and shouted at him askin him what was he doing -feels so good- haha... he exclaimed that he was like playing GB.. wow.. GB is an Universal excuse rite now.. how original... at least tell me the classic la.. I was doing project.. haha.. He was smart actually.. cos he had another window that is yahoo.com and he hid the desktop bar.. c'mon la..he think i donno all such tricks ah.. well.. i did not threatento tell mum or what.. cos well.. he is already goin to be NC16 ma...
-EvIl GrInz-
so well.. part of growin up la ah.. Just that... can he at least be more original then just surfing for Britney.. haiyo.. And i tellin u he actually downloaded halfway the PAris Hilton latest Romp.. i mean.. She is really good pls... as in not in terms of 'Bedding' .. as in good in using such methods to spread her popularity..
Anywayz.. i just told him not to let me catch him surfing dirty websites again.. so he went back to bed..Eww.. lucky nothin more happened.. the worst that could ever happen is catchin ur bro jerkin off in front of ur com.. u be like .. WHAT THE HELL.. sorry for the crude language.. but its true.. many ppl do let the monkey out while watchin porn.. Not me though...
This wasnt the first time i caught him alrite.. the past few times was worse la... cos got vids of sch gals, office sex that kind..eew.. hormones so ragin ah... haha...
O now i shall bitch bout my Fuckin Principal.. She is one FUCKIN BITCH... that day at assembly, she even have the cheek to say " a group of students ask me is there half day on thurs and i answered.. i declare halfday next thurs."
These few words came as a direct knock into my head wif utter disgust...My mouth opened so wide that two sausages can fit right in horizontally.. HOW FUCKIN LAME CAN SHE BE>! Thurs is like CHINESE NEW YEAR... Ya that was so funny..
-Throws her wif Concentrated Sulphuric Acid-
She should be burnt alive from society lo.. plus she HEARD teachers bitchin our class that we are noisy and without her witnessing by herself.. she complained to my Civics Tutor that we are noisy and she is so going to take action if it continues... GO TO HELL la.. fuckin Pua chee bye.... It really irritates me when ppl accuse of someone without seeing things themselves... If she is here rite now.. i am so gonna take a broom and whack her fuckin ass...
Haiz.. i should calm down a little..cos i not feelin well rite now... slept for like 2 hours just now.. cos had a real headache.. hope i feel better tomorrow.. Wa la!
|| Benji LuStEd aT 9:04 PM ||
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Eh got home.. mum nagging all the way... was pissed...mum is a total bitch.. pls lo.. she asked me to buy the shirt and now she don wanna pay me... WTF... She is so idiotic lo.... kns... Whatever la..
I paid like 89 bucks on that FCUK shirt \ F-u-C-k \ la..
Ran 5 km today for road run.. didnt really run cos didnt feel like running... and i had just eaten my lunch... Took me 28 mins like that to finish the course... i was like wha so fast ah... haha.. came in 229.. was like talkin to des while we ran stop talk ran stop.. it was not tiring at all haha... It wasnt that bad after all.. though we may have hit top 100 if we hadnt stop..
Anywayz.. lookin at the sea from the shore brings back memories.. haha... somehow phobia strikes me but i still love the beach pls... I was keep pondering how nice it would be for couples to barbeque by the sea, just the two of u.. drinkin over red wine.. awww....
Today's mood was really good.. but was tired now.. not becos of the run but becos went Orchard like around 9 to buy the shirt and met Mel who showed me magic tricks... nice nice... haha.. YAng was as usual sarcastic... cos i triggered his -bitch mode-
Still got loads of homework..but i can finish tomorrow ba..for now i just wanna have a nice sleep.. Tata!
|| Benji LuStEd aT 11:11 PM ||
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
This is absolutely weird and kept me thinkin haha.... After reading my tagboard, i started to ponder and gazed at the messages wif total 'AWW'... Not the aw of excitement but rather aw of shock..
y? -clenchin fist and feelin paranoid-
Because ppl seems to be more interested in the rose i am learning halfway to being interested in ME haha.. -sobx-
I surrender! its a paradox of Living things Vs Non living objects.. its seems that the roses may have produced certain hormones that i am incapable of... -Strangles Rose- O no... and roses have natural smell while i have CK Be man made scent.. -Continues to strangle rose hard-
Fine! i shall digress... i shall wash my face and tell myself.. I am GORGEOUS... -frowns-
Yesterday my GP teacher is so funny.. he was like
"there are certain topics i call it seductive topics... such as bla bla... Its like telling u.. Come and pick me! pick Me!" He gyrated wif extreme transexual behaviour.
I opened my mouth wif bewilderment..
Like WTH...
Anywayz i caught KINSEY through mininova haha.. the sister of suprnova.org... the movie is really open minded... i learnt quite alot from that..no wonder it has so many award nominations... haha... i like the part when he asked a student "which part of ur body enlarges more than 10 times when stimulated?".. sounds subjective? its the pupil of the eye la... What were u thinkin? hehe.. he also suggested that no one is really heterosexual, from a scale of 0 to 6 being exclusively homosexual... he is married but he says he is 3... i was wondering if his theory is true...go watch to judge urself la..
I need to go now to get over the fact that a flower is more popular than me... argg.. haha.. Anywayz i got myself a date for Valentine's liao k.. haha... its gonna be havoc i tell u...and ZM today is lamed to the core pls.. he was like pointing to the mirror askin me to look.. and i thought there is something there.. end up.. he told me.. "look thats us!" i am like... -punch, kick, diaox-
For one and a half months i will be M18! yeepee... like whatever lo.... okay so i am half an adult.. so that makes me adult wanna-be... I wanna stay 18 ... thats good enough.. haha..ciaoz
|| Benji LuStEd aT 8:01 PM ||
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